Build Your Legacy With Office Pride

The commercial cleaning industry is enduring. While fad businesses inevitably fade away, Office Pride stands the test of time.

How Owners Benefit

Established Business Model

Benefit from our proven business model: With over 11,300 days of industry experience and growth, we’ll guide you through your first day in business and beyond. Trust our expertise to guide you along the path to success.

Recurring Revenue Stream

Recurring Revenue Stream

Investing in an Office Pride franchise offers the potential for recurring business. Through loyal clientele and exceptional support, you can enhance financial projections and strategize for future growth.

Highly Scalable Business

Office Pride franchises are notorious for their scalable business model. You can grow your business as much as you want at your own pace. With full ownership of your franchise, you can also exercise full decision-making power.

Highly Scalable Business


Unpredictable market fluctuations don’t determine the success of Office Pride franchises. Whether the economy is going boom or bust, our services remain essential to businesses nationwide. That’s because quality cleaning services will always be a necessity, not a luxury.

Client Loyalty

When you acquire new customers, our expert support team will provide you with the resources necessary to ensure a high customer retention rate.

Client Loyalty
Quick Turnaround Time

Quick Turnaround Time

From the moment we approve you for Office Pride ownership, you can begin franchise operations in just 90 days.

How We Win

Our winning formula stems from the seamless integration of our franchisee’s Personal Responsibility In Daily Efforts, which fosters unwavering support for their team, community, and clients. We complement local efforts with national purchasing power, unparalleled expertise, and unwavering commitment to our Franchisee’s success.

Explore Franchise Opportunities Today

When you want to build a business that will last, Office Pride has your back. Start your franchise journey today.

Franchise Opportunities

See What Our Franchise Owners Love Most About Attending The Annual Owners’ Retreat